She lives!

Terrific progress at Beaton’s. Paul Smith has done fine work these past few weeks returning Sjogin to sound condition. There’s still work to do on the garboards, deck and such but her integrity has returned.

Almost whole. This was taken on Wednesday, just after we returned from St John. Yes, while Paul was working on Sjogin, Julia and I were on Fish Bay with friends. Here’s a link to last years adventure in paradise.

Along with planking the deck damage is being repaired.

Another long suspected problem to be fixed. The stern post has a tenon that fits into the end of the keel. All is iron sick and needs to be rebuilt like Paul did to the other end of the keel.

Here’s the replacement garboard, steamed and pre-bent on the spar bench.

The middle portion of the port sheer strake is in place. Even though I rose to the rank of a moderately talented amateur when I worked at Beaton’s in the early nineties, the speed and quality of the work are far beyond me. So happy to have her in such good hands.

Progress at Beaton’s as well. The rigging dock is back in operation. Hope to see Sjogin there this year.

This post was done on an iPad. I’ll upgrade the pics later.

New blocks for Sjogin.

Her new Ording main and jib sheet blocks arrived this week and now are the brightest things aboard. They’re Elm and Stainless with copper drifts. Hand made by a Dutch master blockmaker. Available from Gordon Laco at Traditional Rigging and Outfitting . I won’t need my arm and leg I guess.

Had the first fire of the new season today, complete with tea and a bit of sausage bread. Just cool enough.

New jewels
Just a touch on the big side but close enough. They’ll look fine with new sheets.

Main Sheet blocks
Main sheet all rigged. Waiting for Beaton’s to order a spool of 7/16ths Dacron to make new sheets and halyards.

Jib blocks
Jib sheet eye bolts need to be moved outboard a bit so the blocks clear the house. Or not. I’ll see how they lay when the jib’s backed.

Fall migration
The Fall migration out of the water is in full swing. Regular readers will recognize Go Y’all, a classic Chris Craft Skiff.

Joe driving
Went out for a run down to Reedy Creek on The Gale with Joe. Beautiful last Saturday of Summer. Sailing tomorrow with Julia on Sjogin.

Progress on Sjogin

Look’s like she’ll be rigged this week. Yesterday I managed to paint the house, coamings and the long neglected bridgedeck bulkhead with the usual Kirby white semi-gloss. The Kirby family’s been making boat paint in New Bedford since 1846. A Mr. Kirby still answers the phone.

No need to do the boom as it’s still in good shape. Just fixed the blisters and such on the mast, putting the third coat on those spots today.

Decks and house painted. Hope to get the cabin top, trim and handrails done before she’s rigged.

Beckoning Bay
The Bay beckons. I really need to get the cabin top painted.

Speedwell waits for her turn after Sjogin’s back in commision.