Norzh 22 developments

I’ve heard from one of my readers in New South Wales, Australia expressing interest in contributing to a syndicate to fund the completion of Francois Vivier’s interpretation of Sjogin. There have also been a few positive responses on the WoodenBoat Forum Thread. Anyone else interested?

Per the numbers on his website it appears that it will take about $4,000 to fund the full set of plans to build the Norzh 22 in glued ply. I’ll write to Francois to see if a Syndicate approach is a possibility.

As mentioned in an earlier Post, I intent to take off Sjogin’s lines this Summer and try to develop a set of plans so she can be built as is.

6 thoughts on “Norzh 22 developments”

  1. Russ,
    If M. Vivier is happy with this it sounds like an interesting idea.
    Who would get the rights to build a boat from the plans? Or does this only pay to have them drawn and then each set costs less for each builder?
    Sjogin is a beautiful boat and Vivier’s designs are fabulous.
    Count me in for a $100 share if this gets off the ground.

  2. St.J,

    You’re on the list! I wrote to Francois today and I’ll let you all know when I have more details.


  3. Russ,

    I would think we should be able to find enough interested parties if the cost were, say $350-$400 per person and that included a copy of the plans for the investment. Ten folks at $300 would certainly cover the cost… ten measly passionate boat builders… seems like a drop in the bucket.

    I would just want the aesthetics to mimic Sjogin close enough to have her visual grace and style.


  4. RodB,
    I’ve been pouring over M. Vivier’s site for some time and he definitely distinguishes between “project boats” which have a very high initial plan price and then “Building Plan” prices which are more reasonable.
    Even for the “Building Plans” his prices don’t go as low as 3 or 4 hundred dollars, sadly.
    We can only cross everything and hope Russ manages to charm a deal out of him.

  5. About Vivier’s plan from Sjogin, have look on Paul Gartside site,, and have a look on design No 176, it is based directly on Sjolgin lines, with a choice of 3 construction methods and 4 rigs and at a price of 350$…

  6. Way ahead of you. Paul’s plans are based on the lines I took off Sjogin last Summer. It was a joy to work with him. Details in this Post.

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