More WBS pics

Mixing it up
Mixing it up on a Friday afternoon. That’s Mickey Lake in the sunglasses with the Bauer girls. Holly, on the right, (sorry if I got it backwards) built a Nutshell Pram with her Dad, Steven. They brought it to display in the I Built it Myself exhibit. Fine job with a bold royal purple sheerstrake.

In the white boat to leeward is Joe Foster (CSoH). He’s driving with Mary Bauer enjoying the view.

Joe to weather
Joe and Mary to weather. Lazy sailing; plenty of time for gawking. Nice ballet with all the water taxis, row boats and of course the 24 ton steamboat Sabino.

Rum Swap
Julia and I were ashore having a smoke when the great rum swap and seizure took place. As mentioned below, we had cocktails on the LGH Saturday at 5:00; fog right on cue. I brought Goslings Rum and Regatta Ginger Beer. The Goslings ran out far too early. Providentially, a Caledonia Yawl built by Two Daughters Boatworks stopped by as they needed ice for their rum. Presto; a quick barter and enough rum for another round of D&S’s.

While that was going on Joe, Phil and Paul commandeered a passing outboard skiff, pics somewhere, to go to Airlie. She’s a Nova Scotia built swordfishing schooner owned by Forum member Jamie, and was moored conveniently a few hundred yards upstream. Most importantly, she had a gallon or two of rum on board. More rounds!

More later,

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