A visit from a long absent friend

Our good friend Paul was able to fold his frame into Sjogin today for the first time in a while after having both knees replaced. A sail is allegedly in the cards.

No further signs of ice in the basin or down Bay. The bilge has been ice free as well. This cold weather will continue for a while so I’ll keep the float switch off for now. She only makes a dozen or so strokes a day.

Progress ground to a halt on Speedwell. Paul’s done with his bit and is in the sunny Keys as a reward. When the weather allows I’m going to start a sanding/priming program. Still need to have Tom find some spruce for a Sprit rig.

Despite the lack of a smile, Paul enjoyed his visit.

Ready to refinish
Bring on the 80 grit.

Mid week pump out
Mid-week visit to pump the bilge. Enjoying the later and later sunsets.

Last of the sun highlighting the new blocks. The varnish is holding up fine.

The seizing on the main sheet is to prevent the boom from moving back and forth. It also keeps the boom to one side to make getting in and out of the cabin easier.

6 thoughts on “A visit from a long absent friend”

  1. Russ: Anything to make it easier to get in and out of the boat is a worthwhile adjustment. Paul made the effort because he knew once he got down below, the warmth of the Sardine and the smell of Joe Leone’s sausage-stuffed bread and a steaming Earl Grey would be a well-deserved reward. Not to mention the company of a guy named Russ.

  2. You’re too kind. And I’ve been having coffee lately. Julia bought me some of Starbuck’s Via “instant” coffee. Works fine in tin cup hot water. Along with a touch of sugar, cream and rum. Hmmmm……


  3. Nice to see Wally if even through the eye of a digital lens. Get ready for another Nor”Eastern – here we go again. Speaking of Rum, I’ll be in San Juan getting it on the cheap! Seems like years since I was sailing!

  4. That’s it Bruce! The next time I have a guest on board I’ll have it on the menu. Only item item but still.

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